Cafe Barrier Posts

Cafe Barrier Posts are an integral part of a Cafe Barrier System. Banner World supply over a dozen different types to suit any location.

We provide a range of Post Finishes, Colours, Materials and Weights to suit any environment and venue.

Our posts are matched with Crossrails, Banners, Fixings and other accessories such as Sign Holders.

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Cafe Barrier Posts Information

Cafe Barrier Posts are an integral part of a Cafe Barrier System. Banner World supply over a dozen different types to suit any location.

Cafe Barrier Post Weights

The weight of a freestanding cafe barrier post and base will determine where it can be used. Lighter posts (less than 10kg) are only really suitable for indoor use, whilst heavier posts up to 21kg are suitable for outdoor use.

Heavier posts are less likely to be blown over in light winds, especially when combined with Mesh Cafe Banners which let the wind through.

Post Materials

The ideal material to manufacture posts is marine-grade stainless steel, as used in our Ultimate Cafe Barrier System. This type of steel is less corrosive when exposed to the elements and will stay looking pristine for much longer.

TIP: Regularly wipe your cafe barrier posts at least once a month with WD40 using a soft cloth. This will clean off any dirt and extend the life of your posts.

Mid-range Posts are made from standard stainless steel, which, if kept clean, will also last for years outdoors.

Alternative materials include wood, such as our Oak Posts (as used at the Wimbledon Tennis Championships), and Clear Acrylic Tubes which can be filled with items such as pebbles, sweets or coffee beans.

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